Thursday, September 10, 2009

Question: At what point to you have your children of different genders bathe separately?

When does a child go from innocently-curious to perhaps-inappropriately-curious about the whole personal area situation? And why is it so hard to talk about this? Can you believe I just wrote “personal area situation?” Oy.

I don’t know the answer. I have a sister. We could still bathe together today and it wouldn’t matter. (Though it would be crowded.)

I just don’t have a precedent. Neither does my husband. He has a sister, but they’re four years apart, so it was probably pretty obvious when they needed to stop bathing together, if, in fact, they ever did at all. (I’m betting they didn’t.)

I don’t want to cause mockery or chagrin on the playground when my son casually mentions that he has a bath with his baby sister. But surely there are other kids who still do that.

When do you stop? And does that mean two baths a night? Or alternate night baths? What about showers? WTF?

Could someone get back to me on this, please?

1 comment:

  1. I have no siblings, but I used to spend summers with my cousins (one boy, one girl) when I was much younger, and we would occasionally have baths together. That stopped at around age 15.
