Tuesday, September 8, 2009

BONUS Question: How could anyone be offended by Obama’s education speech today?

Seriously. I just read the whole thing and there’s nothing in there that’s going to transform the nation’s youth into extreme left wing slacker-liberals who have abortions and go on welfare for kicks while keying Beemers and Benzes. I mean, unless he inserted subliminal messages (don't laugh, Anne Coulter probably claims he did) there was NOTHING in that speech that was controversial.

If anything, the speech seemed pretty “pull yourself up by your own boostraps” Republican to me.

So all you right wing zealots, calm down. (Not that any of my readers are right wing zealots, but maybe their neighbors are, so, you know, you could tell people to calm down who may have been foaming at the mouth about President Obama’s speech. I mean, talk about a knee jerk reaction. Did these people even stop to find out what he was going to say? Way to jump the gun on the whole thing. Oh that's right, right wing people love guns, don't they?)

No really, I mean, come on! Don’t you want your children to do well in school?

That’s all he’s saying.

What is wrong with people?

Sometimes a pep talk is just a pep talk.

Spread the word. As a reasonable human being, spread the word that doing well in school is not code for some socialist resistance regime.

Don’t the naysayers have anything else to do with their time? Why do you Republicans hate America so much? Because the only message today was: Be a good student, it's good for you and the country.


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