Sunday, November 1, 2009

Complaint: Meetings are boring.

Why is this?

I just spent an hour of my life that I want back at a homeowners association meeting for my neighborhood. (I was lucky enough to have missed the first forty five minutes. Imagine my disappointment.)

Anyway, how is it that you put a group of really nice and generally intelligent people in a room, and they're more powerful than Unisom? I just zone out the minute people talk about sewers or tree lines or root systems.

And yet I go on high alert when I hear crime statistics.

Then I'm bored AND anxious. It's an odd sensation.

I remember some of the meetings from my old condo association. They were brutal. I once got roped into serving on one of the boards or committees. Let's just say I'm not meant to be in that type of position of power.

And I remember staff meetings at the high school where I taught, and how the staff meetings were just zombiefests. NOBODY could stay awake and NOBODY gave a shit. It didn't mean the teachers or administration didn't care about the kids, the school, or there jobs; it was just that NOTHING WAS HAPPENING in these endless meetings. And yet they continued.

I wanted to be doing work to prepare for teaching, not discuss the minutiae of the bathroom renovations in one section of the school. And I know the other teachers felt the same. Do administrators enjoy meetings? Does anyone?

Basically, meetings are an excuse to eat fatty food, bad coffee and waste your life. If we could just distill the essence of what needed to get said and done at a meeting without all the endless bullshit and blathering in between, meetings could last five minutes and free us up to do what we're supposed to be doing instead of counting ceiling tiles and praying the fire alarm goes off.

I'm just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. There IS a movement afoot in some places to go exclusively to e-meetings, as 90-99% of what is discussed at meetings could be disseminated just as easily via e-mail--and with far less fatty food.
