Saturday, November 21, 2009

Comment: NaNoWriMo! NaNoWriMo!

Well, I did it. I’ve written over 50,000 words for National Novel Writing Month. I’ve probably never written so much about one thing. But it wasn’t hard, because I drew so heavily on my own life.

It’s easy to write about yourself. I have officially become the president of Narcissists-R-Us.

What has really been fun has been having a project. This dovetails nicely into my commentary about a great book I am reading about happiness. It’s called “Happier,” by Tal Ben Shahar. He teaches at Harvard, which is definitely NOT why I picked up his book. (I’ve visited Harvard. I hope my kids don’t go there.)

Anyway, my best friend (Hi Hayn!) recommended this book to me, or a quote from it, I forget which, and I’ve been reading it. Ben Shahar talks about how important it is to have goals; it’s not arriving at the goal that’s satisfying so much as actually having a goal. It’s of course another way of saying, the point is in the journey, not the destination. But so true.

Doing NaNoWriMo was fun because it had a beginning and ending date. It’s not officially over, but I’ve reached the minimum word limit, and that’s cause for celebration. Just doing that much in the course of two and a half weeks makes me feel (temporarily) like a rock star. That’s nice. But what’s NICER is how much fun I had doing it these past weeks. I LOVED HAVING A GOAL.

Ben Shahar’s books proves this point.

So it isn’t just about arriving at the finish line. It’s actually pounding the pavement. Earth-shatteringly novel conclusion? Not. But I just lived it and it’s always nice to live one of the more pleasant aphorisms in this life.

Keep setting goals. Don’t worry about reaching them, just set them and work on them and see what happens.

(Phew, finally an upbeat post. Hey, it’s November. We’re lucky there are any posts at all.)


  1. So, remind us again, what do you "get" for completing 50,000 words? (That's not a sarcastic question--we really want a reminder.)

  2. Hi right back at you Hayn!

    Congratulations on finishing! I loved this post because of your accomplishment AND because of the message that the journey is more important than the destination (to quote Cindy Brady: "I keep forgetting (that)." Those buddhists are on to something! Go celebrate with chocolate and a pedicure and, of course, hurling your hat 'cause you might just make it after all. Loveyou!
