Sunday, November 22, 2009

Yes, this is a Complaint: Bathroom Privileges

Yes, you give up all privacy in the bathroom when you have kids. This has been firmly established and is well known by most parents before the appearance of any actual progeny.

But giving UP the bathroom?

This is a new one, at least to me.

Today I was minding my own business in the loo, and my daughter came running in from her outside social paradise of neighborhood kids, desperately needing to pee.

I was in the closest available bathroom to the front door. She said she had to pee. I said I was busy.

Drama ensued.

I told her to go upstairs (or downstairs, FFS) but to no avail. If we’d argued about it much longer, I’d have had an ocean of pee to clean up on my untreated hardwood floors.

So I, er, changed stations. Not with grace, by the way.

In fact, if you look up awkward and/or humiliating and/or graceless in the dictionary, there will be a picture of me and my pulled up pants, rushing for relief.

TMI? That’s parenthood, baby.

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