Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Comment: Blank is the New Blank

The first time I heard this phrase was many years ago, and it was “Brown is the New Black.” What I (and most people, I’d wager) infer from that expression is that where black is the standby wardrobe color that looks good on everyone and goes with everything, some fashion guru decided at some point to hype brown in the same way with the hopes of it catching on. (And it has, kinda. At least in little girls’ clothes: brown and pink are ubiquitous. On most other people it's Hobbit-like.)

I've seen a few books out lately that play on this expression as well:

Bitter is the New Black (hilarious)
Thin is the New Happy (haven’t read it)

I’d like to add my own:

Chronically Sleep-Deprived is the New Tired.

Irony is the New Normal.

Emaciated is the New Slender.

Average is the New Fat.

Sarcasm is the New Sincere.

Facebook is the New Email.

Do you have any to add? Bring ‘em on.

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