Saturday, December 5, 2009

Complaint: Yes, it's a definitely a complaint.

It had to happen.

It’s snowing.

I’m ambivalent about it. On the one hand, it’s sort of festive and pretty. On another, it’s freakin’ cold. And wet. And there will be more snow. Much, much more, so I’m told.

I’m not excited about that.

I don’t ski, skate, or snowboard.

Maybe I should.

The only thing in the above list that even remotely appeals to me is snowboarding. And as I’m not a teenaged pothead, it doesn’t seem likely I’ll be doing that anytime soon. Also, I’m a class A wimp.

Toboganning is fun, but I’m a parent now, so it seems like it’s my job to dress my kids appropriately and watch them slide. Sure, I can slide with them, and that will be fun, but it won’t be the unadulterated fun of childhood. Because I will simultaneously be concerned about my child’s safety. Which is a bit of a buzz kill, although necessary.

Who am I kidding, I was scared toboganning as a child. I just have more reason to worry now.

And if I may add, there is not much more hellish than attempting to assist a headstrong four year old who’s never seen snow in putting on her cheap snow boots with crappy zippers.

Happy Holidays, Everybody!

1 comment:

  1. You're in danger of having your Canadian citizenship revoked.
