Thursday, December 3, 2009

Comment: I Heart Hulu.

Just watched last night's Glee. Online. I never get tired of saying that. Online TV. Love it.

So glad Terri got found out. I mean, come on, how long could THAT charade go on for? I mean, seriously, you can NOT fake a pregnancy.

Kind of a depressing ending, though. I guess it's reality. There will always be people who make fun of other people. (The end shows jocks defacing the glee club kids' photos in the yearbook.)

The show basically acknowledges the underdogs, and makes a case for them. It makes the cool kids look like jackasses.

This is pretty groundbreaking, especially for a show on FOX.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, suffice it to say the show manages to be both snarky, optimistic, realistic, and amusing.

Don't stop believin', kids!


  1. Thanks for spoiling the ending! Sigh!

  2. Glad I'd seen this, you might want to consider notifying when you are about to tell the end of a story-arch that has been carried for several months lol. But it's yer blog ;D do your thing.

    Glee is great, but like most high school shows, I'd like to see a more serious offense taken to the bullying and harassment so many kids undergo at school. The faculty in these shows always seem appropriately outraged for a moment, and then they have the attitude of "oh well what can you do" and I think that is a poor message to send to kids who might be going through that sort of thing now.

    Anyway, still, I love the show. Just saw this post and felt it was the appropriate location to get my 2 cents in. Lets hope he gets together with the cute, neurotic red-head. (I suck with names, but I am pretty in love with her haha)

