Thursday, December 10, 2009

Complaint: Brrrrr.

Okay, I give up: it's freaking cold.

It snowed all day.

Pretty? Sure.

But. Eleven years in California, and I did not ONCE miss the cold or the snow. Not even for a minute. Those people who live in California and say they miss the seasons? Not me.

Just feeling pretty grouchy about the low digit readings out there . Now I finally realize why I wore so many layers in my younger days; it wasn't only the punk ripped clothes look I was rocking, it was JUST PLAIN COLD.

My clothes now add several pounds to my slightly expanding frame. You know how it is when you're cold. you EAT more, and then you gain weight, and then you cover it up with fleece.

Fleece. I feel fleeced all right.

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