Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Complaint: Standardized Testing Blows

So I'm preparing for two more Praxis tests that make up several of the hoops through which I must jump for the privilege of subbing in decaying local urban public schools. The tests aren't until June.

But I'm already irritated.

I studied Drama, and took the Drama test back in the day. But THIS state wants the Communication test. There is indeed a Drama part on this test, but there is so much more. I didn't study rhetoric. Or forensics. (Aren't there some TV shows about that? Hyuk.)

So I need to learn this stuff; to that, I have no objection. I like to learn. But I had to BUY flashcards from one of the many test-mongering profiteers who leech off hungry, underemployed teachers who will pay money to study for these damn tests. So this MASSIVE package arrives two days ago; flashcard after flashcard, on rhetoric, interpersonal communication, and yes, forensics.

So much of this stuff is common sense that you'd think nobody would need to study for this test.

Oh, but you do. When I got to the procedures during which you can adjudicate an interventional timeout during a debate, I was all, What the WHAT?! There are rules in debating. Lots and lots of annoying rules. It's all parliamentary and shit.


I don't know any of this.

So I'm taking a long train trip in a few days, and guess what I'm bringing?


Then I challenge anyone to a proper forensicky debate, by jove. I'll get it yet!

1 comment:

  1. We chair the curriculum committee at our college. We have to be very mindful of parliamentary procedures. We can't so much as burp without motioning first. Loads of fun.
