Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Complaint: No Glee No Lost Make Emi Something Something

Right about now, much of the world is watching Lost as it attempts to unravel itself with some dignity. In about one hour, the entire world will be watching Glee. I, alas, will not. I must languish in mystery and suspense until the episode is posted tomorrow. (Such a rough life I lead.)

Seriously, I am super excited about seeing more Glee. Love the show. (Have I mentioned that?)

Looking forward to this, the Madonna episode. Most downloaded show ever, my prediction. Or certainly it will be the most downloaded Glee episode. I'm just sayin'. Because people can jump into Glee much more easily than Lost. If you haven't already watched the first zillion wacky seasons of the latter, or you don't have a PhD in Paranormal Activities from UCLA Extension, forget it.

But wow, way to be cheeky, FOX TV, and put Glee up against Lost. I'm sure I'm not the only person who double dips in that pool. But thanks to the wonders of those crazy high tech gizmos the kids today call DVRs, and the good folks at Hulu, all is not, no, I'm not going to say it. Too lame, even for me.

So move, clock, come on, hurry! Closer, closer. Almost tomorrow.

Bonus Points: Both the title and the last sentence are variations on something what beloved TV character says?

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