Monday, April 12, 2010

Comment: Not So Bilious

Okay, so I just wrote and then deleted a post I wrote that was chock full o' vitriol, but when I reread it, I didn't have the heart to post it.

I was getting my knickers in a knot over something other people were doing that was bugging me because I don't do it and frankly, it's none of my damn business.

It all comes down to the same conclusion: as Pema Chodron (Buddhist nun and genius) says, "all we want is for other people to agree with us."

She believes that this is the root of all conflict. ALL CONFLICT.

And I think she's right.

We all want to be agreed with; we want to be validated.

So when I see something going on with other people that I don't like, I get high on my self-righteous horse and trot around casting stones at every house I see.

But that isn't fair. And it isn't right.

So sorry, Solipsist, but the vitriol's been neutralized by Buddhism tonight.

Thanks, Pema Chodron! ;)

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