Monday, March 22, 2010

Socially Awkward Moments, The Sequel

So the Little Boy Who Has No Boundaries continues to push the envelope.

Today he walked straight into our house, without asking, (natch) marched straight up to my son's room, took his book and a bunch of his toys and marched outside to head home for the day.

Um, excuse me?

His mom was passively standing in the road, talking to other people, not monitoring her son. But it seems that even when she is watching, she doesn't appear to have the will or the power or the something to control her child, even a little.

Is there something I'm missing here?

Anyway, as Mom II, I attempted to lay the boundaries. Since this little boy is calling me Mom, he calls my son "Brother", which is really starting to annoy the kid. My son is a sweetheart, but he doesn't like people playing role playing games on his ass when he's not in the mood. I mean, can you blame him?

PLUS, it turns out that yesterday LBWHNB took my husband's headset, and tried to force it on my husband's head, against his will. Daddy was more than a little non-plussed.

So this child, I can see, is going to need to be gently corrected on a regular basis. It takes a village to raise a child, indeed.

But it also brings up the whole living in a community thing. I mean, where are our boundaries? I love being neighborly, but I don't want kids to think that every time they need to take a whiz they should come and splash my tiles, you know? (This really happened, of course.)

Living in a cul-de-sac is tricky, tricky, tricky.

The saga continues.

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