Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Today I ran approximately 9.75 miles.

That's the farthest/longest I've ever run in my life.

This makes me very happy.

I'm training for a half marathon, my first (natch). There's always the chance I'll bail at the last minute, but my sister is driving down from upstate to run with me so I think I'm gonna have to do it. Yikes.

So I need to think about things like song selection (just like American Idol) because I've noticed that songs by The Cure and Nirvana really get me going, and lounge music slows me down to a crawl. I imagine I will be crawling by the end of the race, but I digress.

I don't care what my PR is. (Yes, I've learned that PR is Personal Record. That makes me sound like a serious runner.) But I have been reading these magazines I got for free for signing up for the marathon. In their pages are things like sprints, splits, aches, pains, diet tips and lots of people writing about their PRs. Apparently this is a big deal to a lot of people. And apparently you can always be striving for a new PR. It never ends, the striving.

Warning: If you don't think you're that fit, do not pick up a running magazine. These things make Billy Blanks look like a slacker. These people are fit. Hard core.

So I'm having fun with this. When I line up for the race in May, I won't care how long it takes me to get to the finish line. Any time is a PR. And just getting to the finish line is a major triumph.

1 comment:

  1. Yes to fun! I did my first half marathon last November in Seattle. I had a couple of friends to train with and that helped (we walked, though - didn't run). My theory: if it ain't fun, don't do it! Yes, there can be pain/discomfort and you have to figure out what type of food gets you through (don't believe ALL the hype - some of us need a better balance of protein and carbs, not just carbs *grin), how much water - consider it your special project: you and your first half marathon. Cool! And I agree - just finishing is a major triumph. Go Emi!
