Thursday, March 11, 2010

I'm Back, Baby!

Okay, look: I can't sustain this happiness, sunshine and roses thing.

To be honest with you, I'm having a hard time blogging without my rants and raves. After all, isn't that what blogs are for?

When I tried to change, I realized that I am not Gretchen Rubin or Ariel Gore or Al Ben-Tahar. So why was I trying to emulate them? That is NOT the road to happiness. They have good points, but I'm not them.

The big point in Rubin's book is, BE YOU. As annoying as it was to keep reading that the author needed to "Be Gretchen!" , she has a point.

I'm going to be Emi Ha.

And Emi Ha can be bitchy, opinionated, irritable, loud, sarcastic, annoyed, as well as amused, goofy, curious and content.

I'm actually pretty happy right now. So I need to drop this storyline and get back to what I'm best at: questioning, commenting, and, natch, complaining.

Ahhh, that felt good.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Emi. Yay. Yes, we need good rants. We need people who question and complain and comment... Keep OTHERS thinking!

    And can I just say - there is so much energy in this post :-)

    Welcome back to YOUR happy spot.
