Saturday, August 22, 2009

Complaint: There need to be some new commands on Facebook.

What happens when someone “friends” you and you don’t want to “friend” them back, but you don’t want to hurt their feelings, or just don’t want to outright "ignore" them?

This is where I have loads of helpful suggestions, if only someone would listen to me bellowing from my rooftop. (Remember the "Simpsons" episode where Cletus yells at his mother, "Hey Ma, get off the roof!" Good times.)

The current commands you have now are just “confirm” and “ignore” and “block this person”. How about: “Thanks, but no thanks” or “I acknowledge your presence and appreciate your acknowledging mine, but that’s as far as it goes, okay?”

Maybe “Hope you have a nice life but I have absolutely nothing to say to you” or “Seriously, I know we used to go out but there’s a reason we don’t now” or just “We never talked when we lived in the same city so why the fuck are you ‘friending’ me now?”

There’s also the classic, “I don’t want you in my life anymore”. But I suppose that’s really the same as “ignore.” And what actually happens when you do choose "ignore" or "block this person?" Are they sent any kind of explanation? Or are they left to dangle cluelessly in cyberspace?

I just think there are more nuances that the good people at Facebook aren’t getting. Surely somebody somewhere is going to make up some of these little retorts and create an app or whatever it is they do, and make it available if and only if you make your personal data available to them so they can market crap JUST FOR YOU.


In the meantime, I guess I’m stuck with “ignore.” But know this: there's always more to the story than a simple "ignore." Much, much more.

1 comment:

  1. I think ignore or block this person would have the same effect. I don't respond to people I don't know. Things like "I'm a cousin of X" does not mean anything to me if I have never spoken to the person. What possible reason would you want to here my comment to the effect that Ken is feeling sleepy today if you cannot even picture me with droopy eyelids and a yawn, which is what I look like when I receive this kind of e-mail request.
    Cheers, Ken
    P.S. I'm also "anonymous" because I can't figure out the account feature.
