Saturday, March 28, 2009

Complaint: Ow, my head.

Okay, I haven’t been posting for the past few days, and here is why: migraine. At least that’s what I think it was. It was not a garden variety headache, it was a hurricane of a headache. It didn’t respond to mega doses of caffeine and Advil; it just ran its course and I’ve just come up for air today.

Wow, how do people cope with these things on a regular basis? I mean, there are plenty of people who get migraines frequently, and frankly, I’m surprised they can come out the other side and ever be pleasant again knowing they are under the power of this type of pain at any given moment.

Anyway, I was quite the grouch/bitch/swamp witch for two days and spent most of it lying in bed whining. Don’t I sound like a fun date?

So I’m okay now, but man. I have newfound respect for regular migraine sufferers who have to go through this. I mean, okay, it’s not the same kind of pain as drug-free childbirth, but it's close, and it lasts so much longer... Dang.

So I’m back in the saddle, so to speak.

Just wanted to post to let you know I’m still alive and kicking. More tomorrow.

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