Monday, March 30, 2009

Comment: Wise words from a small child

Tonight my daughter was hysterical. Why? She had pink hair, and it was being washed away in the bath. She was truly devastated that the tub water was pink, which meant that her hair was back to blonde.

Where did she get pink hair? From preschool. We were celebrating the Hindu holiday called Holi, which is all about bright colors and the triumph of good over evil. Colored powder is applied randomly to any visible body parts. Very cool. Very messy.

My daughter actually said, “I want to be pink. I don’t want to be normal.”

And I thought, wow, at age four she’s already figured that out. It took me so much longer.

1 comment:

  1. But it's nice to know the (pink) apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
