Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Complaint: Enlarged to Show Texture.

Yes, it’s another cereal post. (Get it?) (Sorry.) Seriously, we’ve already talked about the whole master of the obvious “serving suggestion” tag line. But what about “enlarged to show texture?” Not only does it sound downright dirty, but do you honestly believe that people will open the box and be pissed off that their Crispix™ is ever so slightly smaller in real life than it was in the pictures? Who is spending their time worrying about this?

It looks the same. It tastes the same. It’s just enlarged to show texture. Give people a shred of credit. If the size of your cereal is something that puts your knickers in a knot, you must be living a charmed life. There must have been some lawsuit/complaint/reality show about the disappointments of one’s Lucky Charms not measuring up to expectations that prompted this particular required label for so many cereals.

There’s some life lesson or metaphor or analogy (or possibly parable, though that may be stretching it) in here but I’ll be damned if I can find it. I spent the whole afternoon at the park with my kids and I’m beat. Let me know what you come up with.

1 comment:

  1. All this brings to mind for me is that classic "Far Side," where a woman is sitting in a car,looking in the side rear-view mirror--the one that says "Objects in mirror are closer than they may appear." Anyway, the entire mirror is taken up by a GIGANTIC monster eye. Slightly off topic, but an amusing memory nonetheless. (By the way, how do you do the little "tm" thing?) SHERM!
