Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tic Talk

This isn’t a story about those little insects that bore into innocent humans and suck their blood. No Twilight influence here today, sorry. (Although I did just hear from my friend that the guy who played Jacob in the movie is back for the sequel! He’s doing arm curls 24/7 to look as HUGE as possible for the role.)

No, this isn’t about bugs, like the one that attached itself to my daughter last month until my superhero husband removed it. This is the story of my facial tic. It’s here and that must mean I’m stressed and it’s already driving me up a tree, which is totally counter-productive to its disappearance, but there it is.

Fortunately it started right before I started IM-ing with my friend in New York. I had to just flat out ask her if she was familiar with such things. Sadly, she was. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that once many years ago, I had the same kind of eye twitch for an evening. I was under ENORMOUS stress at the time.

Funny, I don’t feel stressed. I’ve been buzzing around the home hive like a manic bee. And I was enjoying it! But when I told my husband, he said, “Of course you’re stressed. We have a trillion dollar deficit.” (not us personally, but, you know)

So am I twitching for the nation or just for myself? It seems somehow grander and nobler to be carrying the weight of a whole country’s woes, as opposed to my little insignificant dramas.

At any rate, I’m told it will stop at some point in the next week or so. Week?! That diagnosis makes me twitch more. I thought it would just be for a few minutes, or hours. Apparently I’m in for much more twitching before it stops. Will I just get used to it? Will other people?

Time will tell.

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