Thursday, January 8, 2009

Comment: Blog You

So I have a friend, who also blogs. Let’s call him, Fred (not his real name) and I just read something that I have to reiterate here, too. He is calling on others to fill up the blog space with opinions that don’t belong to people like Anne Coulter and other haters of her ilk who also, sadly, blog.

And it struck a chord with me because last year I remember saying to my best friend, another writer, that we needed to write more and more stuff because we needed to block out the noise coming from hate-filled writing that fills the airwaves, the bandwidth, the water coolers, the basements, etc. And I too mentioned Anne Coulter and other haters of her ilk.

Great minds think alike.

He also wondered if one becomes suddenly opinionated the minute they start blogging, or if this has to be inherent in the person from the get-go. I say, we are ALL opinionated, but blogging often releases the inner opiner. (MSWord says that’s not a word, but I beg to differ.)

Anyway, what I’m saying is, I think once the stoppers have been pulled out, everyone has strong opinions, sometimes ones they didn’t even know they had. A blog gives a person permission to vent their spleen since, as my friend pointed out, (s)he isn’t beholden to anyone. That’s the beauty of the blog. Instant opinions, few repercussions (unless you’re not a celebrity.)

Yes, I’m blogging about blogs. Dude, this is so meta.

The airwaves must be packed with positive and/or hilarious voices, not hate-filled whining and kvetching! Take a stand, start a blog, vent your spleen!


  1. I am enjoying your blog!
    I have a few things to recommend to you after reading your "meta" posting. First, there was a good article on blogging here in the New York Times Review of Books. You also might enjoy this Ottawa metablog. They are a strange bunch, but you might appreciate how "meta" they are...
