Saturday, June 12, 2010

Complaint: What did you expect?!

Okay, so I took the dumb-ass tests today. Even managed to squeeze in a brief rant about ETS and how they're evil, money-sucking tyrants to some other disgruntled test-takers in line.

All I can say is, I'm glad I didn't waste more of my time studying for that swill. Because it was not something to be prepared for (although I did blow a question on Augustine, dagnabbit, and induction versus deduction stymied me, blast it!). I had these asinine and useless flashcards that I ordered and did not use, for which I am thankful.

I mean, I already lost five hours of my life to these damn things, why sacrifice more, when the odds of getting a job teaching in this state are poor to virtually impossible? Apparently in my town you need to know or blow someone on the board.

So much for me. That's not how I roll.

Anyway, they were dumb-ass tests and the invigilator/proctor really had to get all in this woman's grill because she didn't IMMEDIATELY put her pencil down when she was told to. Um, power issues much?

I still have to take math classes and prove that Canada is not Outer Mongolia, educationally speaking, but other than that, I am well on my way to getting a credential in yet another state that ends in A!

Iowa, I'm looking at you. Don't get too comfortable.

1 comment:

  1. Deduction: Crows are black. One of the birds in front of you is a crow. Four out of the five birds are not black. The fifth bird is a crow.

    Induction: Every crow you're ever seen or heard about is black. Bonzo is a crow. Bonzo is black.

    Other than that, congrats on finishing the tests. We do want to hear more about Canadian math, though.
