Saturday, May 8, 2010

Complaint: Spoiler Alert, Lost Fans

Okay, maybe it's not a spoiler alert if you actually watch shows when they air, but me? Well, let's just say my viewing pleasure was spoiled by the lack of warning in a certain Entertainment Weekly magazine that arrived yesterday.

Jin, Sun AND Sayid? Man, three main characters have been killed, just like that. Pretty laissez-faire, J.J. Abrams and company. I even know how it's going to happen! Damn you, Entertainment Weekly!

EW's most recent issue does indeed spend most of its space on Lost, which I appreciate. They even attempt to recap all the seasons, which is no mean feat. They even mentioned Nikki and Paulo. (Though they shouldn't have bothered.)

What we get, though, is a lot of actors speculating and being vague.

And that's where I'm afraid the whole series is going to end: vague, speculative-worthy stuff that will probably piss most people off and definitely won't answer all the questions that have been raised.

I mean, we know The Island isn't Purgatory, since one of the actors said that was his guess (him and a million other people).

We know it's the age-old battle of good versus evil.

What I'm looking forward to being irritated and dissatisfied with is the explanation for the FlashSideways.

How are they gonna explain that, huh? Seriously.

They probably won't. They'd just better not go on Sopranos on us and do a blank screen. Or make it all Hurley's hallucination at the mental institution. Or Jack's dream.

And now, I'm going to watch the episode in which three of my favorite characters bite it. There will be no suspense.

All I can say is, there'd better not be any music by Journey in the finale.

1 comment:

  1. We think the "flashsideways" (by which we assume you mean the whole story of what happened to everyone after flight 815 landed safely in LA) was somewhat explained already: Remember Julia whispered to Sawyer that "It worked" just before dying. . . .Well, all right, maybe that doesn't explain that much.
