Sunday, May 16, 2010

Comment: Strong, Manly, Soft

I just saw an ad on Hulu for a new iteration of a Vaseline product called Vaseline MEN Body and Face Hand Lotion. The tag line involved the word STRONG, not soft.

So I guess if you want to strengthen your skin, you use the MEN product, but if you want SOFTER skin, you stick with the girly kind. WTF?

And in case you think I'm making this up, there's a whole website for it:

Did you know that guys have thicker and oiler skin? Imagine.

You could learn a lot from the marketers at Vaseline.

Are they going to come up with a brand for other specialty sub-markets? I mean, is there a specific hydrating formula for premenstrual women, or metrosexuals? Bored SAHMS? Overworked teachers?

Don't get me started.

1 comment:

  1. I want my skin to be strong as steel! Maybe radioactive Vaseline?
