Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Complaint: Why Not? Everyone Else Has One!

I did my civic duty today and voted. I'm kind of nervous about the results. If lots of tea party people get in, I will be most put out. Do they not realize the hypocrisy of their stance? Anti-government government? The Boston Tea Party, if Schoolhouse Rock is to be believed, was all about starting a GOVERNMENT. But if you're anti-government, why are you coopting a group who wanted one? Are we libertarians or are we tea party people? Big difference, no? Hullo?

That's it. That's all I've got for political rants. NPR keeps me informed, as they say, with "no slant and no rant" but frankly, all I really heard about was how much money candidates were spending on their campaigns and whether or not somebody called somebody else a synonym for prostitute and if this was considered sexist or just rude and/or stupid.

When I voted, I felt like it was just the lesser of two evils, really. The lesser of two lames. The government is broken and no amount of coopting and renaming will change that. We are a nation of over-consumers (guilty) and busybodies who don't really know what the hell we're doing. Does any country? Probably not.

But we're fat, broke, greedy and irritable. We don't trust anyone but we sure like to boss other people around. Our healthcare system blows, California is broker than broke, and we have a nation of shitty schools we can't pay for because we're all over the globe trying to give "freedom" to people who may not, in fact, want our brand of it.

We're giving the President hell in his less than two year tenure while we allowed the shit to repeatedly hit the fan for EIGHT YEARS.

Of course people are mad. They're just mad at the wrong party.

Not that I'm a big fan of any of them, as inferred above. At least in Canada you get a virtual buffet of parties. Even the penguins have a party there. (I'm kidding. But Labatts does have its own party.)

Ahhh, feh, blah, meh.

I guess I did have more to say. And fortunately, we do live in a country where that's allowed.

1 comment:

  1. We read something recently that actually makes the "Tea Partiers" look even more pathetic. (We hope we're remembering this right.)

    The original Boston Tea Party was, of course, a protest about taxation. However, what was actually being protested was the fact that the British government had just REPEALED the tax on tea. The tax acted as a sort of tariff, which made locally grown tea more profitable. It was local merchants who were upset over their own loss of revenue who tossed the British stuff into Boston harbor. Thus, the original "Tea Partiers" were actually agitating for HIGHER taxes.

    As we say, we just read this somewhere (and, sadly, we cannot now place the source), and we hope we're representing the info. accurately. At any rate, it's a great story if true.
