Saturday, November 20, 2010

Complaint: NFW.

I was talking with two new friends today about the whole airline screening thing. You apparently either go through a screening machine that essentially gives the surrounding crowd a peep show, or you submit to a public groping, including your lady or gentleman parts. (And if you have both, everybody gets to find out!)


Of course there are complaints pouring in. Whatever happened to rights and personal privacy, not to mention human dignity? What's next, anal probing? God, I wish I was kidding. We elected Obama so this kind of thing wouldn't happen. We were supposed to take back some of our civil liberties.

Nobody wants to go through this. What about the children? How are they supposed to react to being groped or gawked at when we teach them about personal space? What about those who are older or infirm? What about those who have been abused? Does the TSA have counselors on staff to deal with people freaking out? Are they going to give us all some valium before we go through security? Because people are going to need it to go through that ordeal.

Will there be speakers blaring "We only want your safety. Safety is key. Safety at all costs." on an endless loop? That's so 1984.

Simply put, this situation is untenable. People are not going to put up with this. People will be traumatized, humiliated and inconvenienced to a massive degree, and terrorists will still come up with ways to sneak explosives on planes. But maybe there won't be anybody on the planes anymore. Maybe everybody will take a stand and just not fly anymore.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. We haven't been following this news much. We didn't realize that the scanners would provide a sort of public "peep show." We need to start spending more time at airports!
