Monday, November 1, 2010

Comment: On Distractions

I just got back from another meditation class. Last week's topic was about dealing with mental chatter" in the form of distractions. I was out of the country on good business, but man, I needed that session.

My monkey mind is major. It's macaque monkey mind. (alliteration rules!) I mean, my mind bounces around like a ball in a pinball machine.

While I was trying to feel my breath, as instructed, I could mainly feel my bladder, and my colon. Why do I have to pee every time I step into the studio? Hey, wait a minute, isn't this all eerily familiar? Didn't I just write about this two weeks ago? I did. Sorry.

It's just hilarious to me how I can feel my bodily sensations so acutely, but there's no way in hell I'm going to get up in the middle of a group meditation and go to the bathroom. I don't even know where it is! They might not even HAVE one at this yoga studio. What with all the Kegels, most students can probably hold it all day. Damn, I'm weak.

It's ironic to me how stressed I get before I go to class. I'm all hopped up about one thing or another, flapping around like a hummingbird on crack. On the way there tonight, I even cursed at Kai Ryssdall. KAI RYSSDALL, my vocal crush. I was so stressed that even he wasn't the balm that soothes.

But when I get to class and we all sit down on our cushions and our teacher starts talking us through things, ahhh. My mind still ricochets, but it ricochets less.

So I guess that's progress.

Sorry, Kai. I still heart you.


  1. I pee before and after yoga class, and even sometimes in the middle (and it's only 75 minutes long!).

    It's through the curtains, on the right.

    I'm glad you're finding some calm there! A little goes a long way, imho.

    And one actual deep question: How do you remember the diff between alliteration and consonance? I get the two confused. And now "assonance" is popping up in my head. I guess it's about time some of that info deteriorated. I'll be re-learning it soon enough.

    And WOW how did you know how to spell his name?

    I'm just impressed you have the diligence to blog (when you do have the diligence, due, doo, doo-wop, I think I've had too much Halloween Candy TOOOOO!).

  2. did I really post all that? shoulda been an email!
