This is where my mood has turned.
Funny thing is, I've had a kick-ass great day. I had coffee with one of my favorite people, went to a an informational interview that got me a job and connected me with a kindred spirit, and I still wasn't late for pick-up at my kids' school.
This was a vast improvement on yesterday, when I gently, ever-so-gently, rear-ended the mom in the Odyssey in front of me at the car line pick-up at school. After apologizing profusely, I went back to my car and sobbed silently. I should have known this was the beginning of hormonal hell.
Anyway, I think you feel the highs and lows even more acutely when you're in this heightened biological state. I had such GREAT day today, and then my daughter was totally in my son's grill while he was trying to do his homework and I finally sent her to her room where she howled for an eternity, it seemed. That kind of soured me. And I just got in the grouch zone big time.
And I noticed that I was more than a little pissed at the woman whose car I bumped because she called her insurance company.
Honestly, that's it.
Of course she called her insurance company. If it was me, I would have done the same.
I guess I would have liked to have talked more to her first, but what, really, would that have achieved?
When you see it in print, it doesn't look like a big deal. She made a phone call. Then I got a phone call. And it will all work out, hopefully without too painful a bump in our premium. End of story. So I needed to drop that storyline, pronto.
Then my husband came downstairs from his office to say he was missing dinner tonight and I totally over-reacted, as if he'd said he was going away for six months on a cruise without me.
This is PMS at its rich, delightful, best.
So I think I'm going to have to really Zen it up and pause before I speak for the next five or six days. And remember that the world is not out to get me. I'm pretty good at that all by myself.
And now, I will go and celebrate the good parts of this day. Which were many.
And Medusa? PMS. Duh. And a bad hair day, but that's another story.
Thomas can totally feel Peter's pain with the missing-dinner (and asking 'where's dinner?') -- I've done the same!