I'm going out on a limb as the buffalo over the next five weeks. I'm attacking what I've been putting off for months, nearly a year, really. I am required by the draconian state in which I live to take two college level math classes in order to get my credential, a fact alert readers are all too aware of at this juncture.
So, after chickening out twice, (I guess it was sort of a Buffalo wings situation) (sorry!) I am about to plow through taking an online, college level math class.
I haven't touched algebra (not intimately, anyway) in over twenty years.
But in keeping with my new zeal to be badass and tough and fierce and forge through challenges, I am doing it.
I've even got a binder ready for my (gah) homework. And I am totally buying a two dollar calculator which I may actually use. Preferably pink, with skulls on it.
Did that buffalo story say anything about having another buffalo hold your hand while you run through the storm?
I'm just asking.
And the Oscar Goes to. . . .Yawn
2 years ago