Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Comment: Of course I’m talking about Facebook. What did you expect?

It’s been two days and I’m already a junkie again. But this time, I’m just going to have to learn to regulate. I want to stay in touch with the world, and the world is on Facebook.

I won’t throw sheep, I won’t send fake balloons or take quizzes that tell me what I already know (I’m an aging GenXer stuck in the 80s who still loves Duran Duran). I’m a demographic, I know that, the media knows it, and Dove chocolate sure as hell knows it.

Maybe it’s the newness of being back on after two months in the dark, but I’m all hopped up. I’ve had a bunch of fun catching up conversations with people I hadn’t talked to in ages, even though we were on Facebook previously. So maybe by leaving, I came to appreciate the renewed connections that were amassing in my early friending days but that I took for granted because they all came up so quickly. If I really go through my list of friends, I see that there are more old friends, true friends, than I remembered. From whence hath come this newfound optimism? I know that. Nor why I doth speak like this. (Sorry.)

Like George Costanza, I’m back baby, and I’m lovin’ it.

I’m really hoping that Facebook isn’t a gateway drug to things like Twitter and Quibble (okay I made that up, but wouldn’t it be funny to have a texting site where you just picked at semantics from moment to moment? You could Quibble your Tweets. Dude, that’s so meta! I’m a freakin’ genius!)

I hope I don’t ever end up Twittering anyone. That just reminds me of people on their cell phones who wait until they’re backing OUT into traffic to use their non-hands-free (hand-ful? hands-on?) cell phones to announce to their destination party “Yeah, I’m leaving now. I’m on my way. Yup, I’m driving. What are you doing? I’m driving. I’m on my way. Leaving now.” Masters of the Obvious.


But if I've learned one thing from my love/hate relationship with Facebook, it is this: Never say never.

1 comment:

  1. Quibbling? I love it! I think you're on to something. We pedants will flock like mad.
