Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Comment: A Book Review, of Sorts

I just finished reading Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart. It was both disturbing and excellent. I couldn't put it down.

But it kind of bummed me out.

Not having read his other books yet, (Absurdistan and The Russian Debutante's Handbook), I don't know if this one is a departure from his previous stylings.

But he is one kick-ass satirist in this one. And an amazing writer. In fact, I feel like an idiot trying to even come close to reviewing, in words, something that he did, WITH words.

It's awesome. In both senses of the word. And yet, it's a downer.

You know how they say, "it's funny 'cos it's true!" about random shit? Well, this book is both terrifying and funny because it could be true in the not so distant future.

Shteyngart manages to take everything messed up about our current world (political, social, economic, cultural) and extrapolate it just far enough out there to seem only a tad far-fetched. The things he writes about really could happen. And they're scary. But predictable, given today's climate.

Basically, this is a grown-up, written version of Wall-E, with more emphasis on texting and shopping. But it's the same message. We've trashed the earth and ourselves, we're fat and shallow, and it's our fault.

So if you're looking for an amazing book and are feeling just a tad masochistic, pick it up.

If not, A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan is also excellent, and not so dystopian. And it has without question the most brilliant chapter on Asperger's Syndrome, done entirely in PowerPoint. That alone makes the book worth buying.

1 comment:

  1. We have Russian Debutante's Handbook sitting on our shelves somewhere--among the 100 or so books we have yet to get to. . . . We're looking forward to it.
