Monday, June 9, 2014

Long Day's Journey into Summer

I think I need a little more room to vent my spleen. I have my new blog, The Aspiring Buddhist, which is where I go to make observations on life and interbeing and other personal and emotional stuff.

But I also feel like complaining. So...I'm back, baby!

Why is summer break SO LONG? It's almost three months and, to quote Ayun Halliday about parenting, "it's fucking brutal, mate". My kids may be older and more independent but there is still drama to be had left and right, and I'm still needed, albeit more as a background player and supplier of juice boxes and pretzels. These long, unstructured days are daunting to me. I have some help with some of them, which is great and much appreciated.

But the days loom long and large ahead of me, and it's ONLY THE FIRST DAY.

I need me some stamina. 

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